Sausage Wallet / Jizzaster - Breakfast Bukkake


Alright, this one is just oozing with delightful and sexy repulsiveness!!

Double the PorneauxGrind, double the fun!!

Sausage Wallet and Jizzaster team up to deliver an ear shattering split of fast and filthy riffs, decimating shrieks and guttural vocals, as well as hilariously offensive samples that will make your friends and family question if there may be something wrong with you...

Release comes with stickers, download codes and mini posters!

Featuring art created by the immensely talented Gruesome Carrie.

Also... $5 bucks?! That's cheaper than a fancy pants cup of coffee!!

How can you say no?!

As always, follow and support the artists, follow their bandcamp and social media.

You can get this lovely slab of art directly from them as well:

Sausage Wallet:


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